hey everyone, I have been baking bread for a few months now, and I'd just like to say how lovely everybody seems to be on this site. I have been a member of loads of forums on various subjects, and this is by far the most accepting, helpful and enjoyable one I have been on. unlike almost every other site, every comment appears to be helpful, which is wonderful.
youre all lovely people. It's your fault I'm getting fat, ha, I did it! A negative comment!
and great to have you on board. Looking forward to see your bakes.
I too have been member of a number of internet communitlies for various things and sooner or later, there seems to be a small group who ruin the tone for others by shoving their agenda down the throat of the remainder of the group or through not being accepting of others for whatever reason.
The last group I was part of ended up with some of the moderators making fun of members behind their backs and bashing anyone that did not fit their idea of a "good Christian". So anyone that asked for support that was non-Christian, LGBT or not their ideal of "normal" was privately ripped apart.
I was a moderator so I saw this and tried to make them realize what they were doing, but I finally left when the intolerance got to be too much. A number of us left over someone saying that they just wanted help for their medical issues but didn't want all the religious stuff that was being sent her way. I could not believe how justified the moderators were about their comments and attitudes. I am atheist and they knew that when they asked me to join their group. Not sure why they thought it would be okay to go on a religious rampage bashing the members that weren't Christian.
I come from a country where diversity is for the most part a non-issue and we try to all get along. Is Canada perfect? No but at least we are giving it a shot. These so called ladies were unbelievable!
So back to the Fresh Loaf, this is an amazing group and I love that everyone is respectful 99.9% of the time! It feels really good to be here!
Too many forums are like that.
These forums have really attracted me as I've begun baking, because the people are just extremely knowledgable and helpful. Not only that, but they're nice!!
stu & danni i also agree that this is a great site. i don't think that anyone is overly critical in their posts; simply constructive helpful comments without agendas.
are known by someone and most of it gets passed on to those that need it whether they like it or not:-)
Happy baking
A pretty deep thought for a bread baking forum but a sentiment I whole-heartedly believe. It only takes one person to change the world either for good or bad. If that person had positive experiences that can influence their thoughts and actions, the world can be a better place.
So be that person. Show others how to be that person. Especially now.
Thank you,Floyd, for the opportunity to break bread together.
I mostly just lurk here, but find it to be a great site with lots of good info. My bread is much better in part to this place.