Hubby bought me a 2lb brick of Fleischmans but he was trying to be helpful and put it in my freezer container before I ever saw the packaging. He didn't realize there was a difference and has no idea if it was ADY or IDY. Any good way to determine which kind it is?
No idea from looking, but perhaps the receipt will list the variety?
I hadn't thought of that!
IDY is tiny so you should be able to figure it out. It is odd that it doesn't say on the package. Instant, bread machine and rapid rise are all IDY when it comes to Fleischmann brand.
Thanks! I'm sure it did say in the package. I was completely out so he just put it right into my yeast container and threw the package away. I appreciated the thought, but of course he had no recollection of what he bought :)
I've only seen Fleischmann's ADY in 2 lb packages.
I did find a 2 lb package of Fleischmann IDY so that may not be the best guide.
It does seem that the only Fleischman's yeast one can buy in "brick" form is IDY.
However it isn't like by mistake using dried instead of fresh or vice versa. The difference between ADY and IDY is not that much at all. If in doubt do a straight swap using gram for gram. To be on the safe side, although only one needs to be activated, you can activate both. And although timings might be a tad different just watch the dough and not the clock.
I generally use active dry yeast (buying it in 2 lb bricks), and basically treat it the same as instant dry yeast. Sometimes I mix it with the water and let it stand but other times I mix it into the dry stuff (flour, etc.) and then into the dough. It might take a little longer to ferment / proof but I watch the dough anyway so it doesn't really matter. I don't worry about measuring it differently either. :)
Perhaps you could buy a small package or envelope of instant yeast and compare it to what you have in your freezer. If they look the same then the big package is likely IDY. If the stuff in the freezer is 'bigger' (more coarse) than what's in the envelope, then the big package was probably ADY. Put a bit of each of them into some water and watch how they act. IDY should foam more quickly.
I've gotten mine partially trained, at least he keeps his hands off my sourdough jars and never throws away the packages of any baking ingredient (that's a big list) as I often go back to them to read or copy. Especially now as he or another person often needs the wrappers to buy the next supply. I've photo documented most ingredients with my phone camera for added quick reference in case the wrapper gets lost. I know partners want to be helpful, so bless their hearts, they are priceless, but more blessed now to never open "vacuum packed" as it keeps longer if it remains under vacuum.
I wanted so badly to put 'bless his heart' in my original post but he was sitting 3 feet away and I felt like he would somehow just know and not like it, lol!
He is an amazing cook and can't bake for anything, so that's where it comes from...he just hasn't quite grasped the need for precision, especially since we live at 5000 feet so even more of a challenge. He'll get there someday....