While browsing this site I happened to notice a bread made with a levian and cherries for one of theingredients. I waslooking at the process of making this bread and noticed a word (autolyse). I then looked up the meaning and when I tried to return to the recipe I couldn't find it. Would anyone have any idea about where I could find it again.
Would that be Buckwheat Cherry Levain here? Better bookmark it for later, if that's the one you want. I make one very similar to this one only using dried cranberries instead of cherries, and it's wonderful!
Yup, That's the one. Thanks so much and now I do have it bookmarked:).
Yes I did Mini. Read an article on this site about it from a link on another site. Thanks sooo much for your concern. It is people like you and others on this site, who make it a little easier to understand this sometimes complex bread baking process. I have a severe learning disability and need all the help I can get. So Mini, kudos to you for your concern for a fellow baker newbie. This world is better with someone like you.