In honor of Bernard Clayton's passing I have given his book another go through. In it I found a recipe that intrigues me. It is an old Basque corn bread type of recipe. It is basically a yeast raised corn cake. While I had high hopes for this type of bread I found the results less than satisfactory. Before anyone jumps too hard, I have made Breadtopia's Corn Flour bread before with stellar results. My question is, has anyone else attempted this particular recipe?, What is the desired result from this recipe? I envision a yeasty-corn english muffin shape. Crisp on the outside and soft crumb. Alas, the result I had were basically the opposite of this. Any response would be appreciated.
PS: Anyone who has not attempted Breadtopias Corn flour bread should give it a go.
It was Steve B's Breadcetera site. Sorry Steve.
Turns out I made broa, not taloa, so I can't be of much help in this case, mkelly27. From Clayton's description, it sounds like they are a kind of sandwich roll that also incorporates some corn flour.
Is similar to a tortilla, it should be very flat and very thin, and is usually stuffed with a Idiazabal cheese or chorizo.