Hello all! Made my second ever batch of sourdough using the Tartine Country Loaf formula. Final rise @ 75F for 3.5 hours, did the "poke test" and both loaves seemed properly proofed. Baked in a cast iron combo cooker.
loaf #1 baked nicely, developed slight ears, decent oven spring. i think I could have shaped a bit tighter, but overall, I was pleased
loaf #2 went in the fridge during loaf #1s bake. When I went to score, the dough was a bit slack. After taking the steam lid off, I saw that the score marks had not opened up as with the other loaf, and the bread had fallen to take up the whole skillet. Still had a nice crumb and taste, though.
Was this a shaping or scoring issue? Should I have left loaf #2 at room temp during loaf #1's bake? thank you for any advice!
while waiting to go into the oven. You need to put it into the fridge before it is fully proofed because it continues rising in the fridge. The dough doesn't cool instantly so the rising action continues. Hope this helps!
I think Danni's got it - the second loaf over-proofed. It looks like it was just at the peak, almost a little too far gone, when you baked the first one and put the second in the fridge. It doesn't cool to fridge temperature immediately so it continued to proof and then collapsed when you put it in the Dutch oven.
The first loaf looks nice though! Maybe pop it in the oven just a little earlier next time.
Definitely overproofed.
I proof Tartine loaves in their baskets overnight in the fridge, and take them out only, when I'm going to bake them right away.
so great on the inside? I've got a loaf I am trying to over proof right now. Put a poolish in with the SD, something I have never done, and now have no idea what it should look like or how long the proof should take:-) So will just watch the dough and nit the clock and hope for the best! Well done a fantastic 2nd SD bake for sure on your part.
Happy baking