What happened to Cedar Mountain? I was looking for his Rye recipes since hubby asked for a rye bread for this weekend and I noticed that everything from his username to his blog is gone. This such a loss since he had fantastic combos in his breads. :-(
Cedar Mountain's posts are always interesting ... always encouraging!
this year.
I hope comes back :(
I'm also planning a high rye bake this weekend, what kind of rye bread are you planning?
I found some of his recipes on Tapatalk and copied them so I could have them. The recipe i am using is the one where he sprouted rye berries and ground half of them before incorporating all of the sprouts in the dough. I think the only thing I will change is putting the add ins with the autolyse rather than between the first and second folds like he did. I believe that there is a bit of toasted sesame seeds in there as well. I plan to coat the outside with rye flakes. I was going to include the flakes in the dough but I think I should stick to the original recipe first and then experiment with some rye porridge. Hopefully mine turns out half as well as his.
CM, if you happen to read this, we miss you!
All blog entries and posts by CM do indeed seem to now be gone. In a very short time, he was a prolific and valuable, as well as skilled, baker. I too miss his presence. Come joint the party again. All those nasty and miserable things we all said about you in the past - we didn't really mean most of them!
I respect people's privacy and individual decisions, well most of them anyway, and I hope that CM is okay. But we do miss you!
I've been wondering the same. Did anyone ever find out what happened?
Not a peep! It is too bad. I miss him!
Floyd says over the years a handful of people have requested that their accounts be deleted.
It's perplexing because he was always so congenial. It's hard to imagine what could lead to such a sudden and thorough exit. Tired of everyone's compliments? That doesn't seem likely.
Maybe a family member requested that the account be deleted. Who knows! I just feel it is a huge loss because he had some fantastic recipes. I managed to retrieve a few through Tapatalk but the majority are gone forever.
that is for sure. I was thinking of him a week or so ago too. a shame really