Hello from Dublin, Ireland


Hello all I've been doing some 'moderate' lurking on this forum over the past couple of weeks and finally thought it was time to involve myself some more!

I'm a fairly inexperienced baker but am keen to learn and have already found a lot of the posts on this forum very informative. My main goal starting out is to learn how to consistently make high quality sourdough.

In cooking school I had reasonable success with the method taught to us. After a couple of relatively dense and flat looking loaves I was happy to produce some good bloomers. After finishing up in cooking school I took a bit of a break from baking, but recently took over the pastry section in the restaurant I am working in and am eager to take the chance to get some practice in baking some sourdough :). Using the Tartine Country Loaf recipe I have had a couple of trial runs still not very happy with the results to be honest but practice makes perfect!

I think that's about it for now but I look forward to getting involved!


We are a pretty friendly bunch so if you have any questions, ask away!