Hello, I’ve been lurking for a while… thanks to everyone who posts… I’ve learned a lot from you.
I’m making tartine's country bread… mostly follow the recipe… get starter ripping, make leaven, make dough (50g more water… 50g rye substituted for 50g wheat flour…), mix in kitchen aid for 7-10 minutes, to container then I fold about 3 or 4 times, over night bulk fermentation in 38F fridge, pre-shape, shape to boule in basket for second fermentation at room temperature for 2-3 hours, bake in preheated, lidded cast iron pot 450F.
Overall I’m pleased with the results over the past several months… I’m curious as to what things you think I can do to get more loaves that are rounder (image on the bottom) vs flatter?
Thanks in advance,
smaller loaves
smaller and deeper fermenting baskets
less hydration
more dough development (try longer mixing time)
more air around the fermenting baskets to set a tighter "skin"
less time proofing in the basket
add another fold so the dough can spend less time in the basket
change the camera angle
slice at an angle, elongate the cut :)
bake 15 min. sooner for more oven spring
more steam in oven for first 10 min
add salt in the last 2 minutes of machine mixing the dough
Change camera angle I like that one! I find Photoshop makes an excellent loaf :-)