I have been contacted by a friend that suffers from wheat intolorence. She didn't go into detail if it was Celiacs' or not anyway she has asked me to find some recipes and bake her some bread. Does anyone have any suggestions for some good breads that would be suitable? Also, as I am new to the baking world I have no idea of what to expect with regards to how the dough will feel, hydration levels, etc.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I don't have any experience with gluten free bread, just quick breads and sweets, but there are a couple of links on the Bread Feed on this site that look really good. I have a friend who makes gluten free bread and, from what she's said, it's more like a batter than a dough. With no gluten, there's no need to develop it, so there's no kneading.
Good luck!
Here's a link for the recipe I make for a friend.
You can use regular yeast for this bread, then the rise is a lot shorter. You have to watch it. I make it every two weeks and change the flours but always using about 50 - 100g buckwheat. A bread with only "white" flours like white rice is pretty boring.
I also make a mean banana bread if you're interested.
Banana Bread sounds wonderful!!! I would love it!! (I haven't had time to retrieve the other flours from the market to make the bread you posted, bear with me.)
OK, I have to translate it so I'll get back to you soon!
has a long list of gluten free recipes and products, hope this helps..