I suspect it's because I didn't slash the dough, I didn't want to compromise the windmill motif in the brotform, but could this have happened anyway? Still quite pleased with my first attempt at sourdough, amazing a week or so ago all I had was wallpaper paste!
I'm Dean by the way, only just joined up. Thanks for your time.
Nice to have you on board. From nothing to that in a week is great going. So it's a bit of a funny shape. The most important thing is it's a success. Your starter works! And if it tastes good then it's a winner. Shaping and getting an aesthetically pleasing bread is the icing on the cake.
I happen to agree with you. Working on shaping, scoring the dough and getting some steam into the oven will fix that.
Thanks a lot, I'm still very pleased. Fighting the urge to cut it till it's cooled. Scoring around the edges next time, I'm amazed at the spring it got.
It's worth it. Even if your banneton has a nice pattern it won't spoil it if you score the dough. In fact it'll enhance it. If you score just around the edges you might find it'll blow out in a funny shape too. Scoring makes a difference to final shape. Trial and error. Look at some scoring videos on youtube to get some ideas.
You have mastered the oven spring and everything else is just a minor issue.
Enjoy the bread.
This is an excellent first attempt. If it tastes good then you're more than halfway there.
Just think of it as a surrealistic loaf! :)
The first few slices were very tasty, then I discovered this...
Same problem do you think guys? The crumb is a little gummy in the centre too, still firing it in mind you!!
Keep at it, you'll come right in no time.
A few tips. I think your starter might still be a bit too young/weak, that might be why you ended up with the big hole in the middle. Keep feeding it until it gets stronger and you should get a better crumb.
As for the burst, it looks to me like your crust is a little dry. Did you steam your oven? Getting some steam in there and scoring the loaf will help you with that.
Keep at it, you're doing well :)
For your time and interest. I'll keep trying.
Welcome, Dean! Wow, that's a fancy looking hat you have made! :) But the crumb looks very nice, moist and chewy. Giving it a bit longer to cool will reduce any gumminess, but it looks very good.
Yes, experiment with ways to score the top without ruining your pattern, and also add steam (can you try baking in a pre-heated, covered Dutch oven or large pot?)
Also, if the loaf is too close to the top of the oven and/or the top element is on during the first part of the bake, the top crust may set before the loaf has finished springing and it will blow out wherever it can.
Finally, when shaping, try to pop any large bubbles by gently flattening the dough out before you pre-shape it, and take care to not trap a large air bubble in the middle when you shape. There seems to be sufficient gas to rise your bread well, but it may be mostly in one place! The gluten structure looks quite good too, as evidenced by the 'stalactites' in the cave (the big hole). :)
Yep, forgot to slash the dough and had an alien doughboy pop out. Regardless of that fact, your bread's structure looks great! Listen to Lazy Loafer, he knows his stuff and shares it with us novices.
One observation I can add, if you have an instant read thermometer, you can poke (GASP!) your bread into the center and look for a temp close to 205°F to determine if it's done. I'm not sure if that is a universal temperature for breads, but it has worked well for the types I have cooked so far. Just a thought until you get used to the recipe your making.
I want to thank everyone again, good of you to comment and advise me so nicely. I have another question... I read somewhere to use your starter when it's hungry, however I am swiftly realising that may not be the case as my last attempt ended with an incredibly sticky awful dough that doesn't seem viable despite several folds and lots of kneading, even added extra flour to no avail after proving overnight... I've just scooped it into a Pyrex bowl with a lid, Jim lahey style to see what happens but I'm not hopeful. Any thoughts? I must've just got lucky first time.