I should have posted this yesterday but I was just feeling uninspired to write anything. This is also my first bake without Pochi, our very loyal and loving dog. He was our only dog when I started baking. I am still saddened as I type this but at least we are moving on.
Exactly 2 weeks ago, he was gone; Saturday noon, he just did not eat his lunch and we noticed his nose was dry so we took him to the vet immediately. Upon arrival at the vet's office, he does not even like to walk, I had to lift/carry him inside but part of it is because it's not dad (his true pack leader) that accompanied him to the vet. He was diagnosed with a cold/respiratory infection so he received 2 shots, one to fight infection and another to boost his appetite. We even bought him his medicines, some energy drink, prescription diet dog food (canned liver) and regular dog food. I had to lift him again to the vehicle before leaving the clinic. I remembered to lighten my mood, I practiced my "French lessons" and I suddenly understood the use of lequel and all of its forms; so I will always remember that that day on our way home with Pochi, I finally understood all of the French relative pronouns! :) As soon as we arrived home, my dad played with him, groomed him and did all of their usual bonding activities; he was FINE. My dad then fed him some regular dog food to see if he will eat it and he finished it all! Even without the canned liver! Then he also finished his energy drink, he was energetic and wagging his tail all the time. He had gastrointestinal problems before and he does not have any appetite for days so we are slightly relieved and confident that he will recover.
That night, he was let into the house (they have their own house outside to keep their fur from accumulating in the house because we may be allergic) and he slept by my dad's side while he watched TV. At 9:00 PM he lay down his old resting place in the kitchen on his cushion. We are not worrying as much as earlier because he showed signs of recovery. Until at 11:25 while watching TV, we heard cry like barks so my dad rushed to the kitchen thinking that our cat might be provoking him then my dad shouted "His is going!", my mom and I rushed to the kitchen and called his name, he is stretched out there already urinated involuntarily, breathing with difficulty, and his tongue dark and bluish gray; and one last breath and he's gone. It's like he just called us one last time to bid his last farewell. :( My mom cried a lot at that very moment; at 11:30 our friend, guard and companion was gone which is really unexpected because he is really well fed and nourished that he didn't even loss any muscle mass (he is 17 kg) and he is very active and barks, plays and runs really well; he didn't even become lethargic or whatsoever, he just didn't eat his lunch that day; he haven't even taken a single pill from his medicines that is due for the next day and that makes it all the more saddening and crippling. We hardly slept that night, I slept at 2:55 AM and woke up just before 6:00 AM. We buried him that morning near our date tree.
It still sad but not that sad anymore partly because we still have our 2 dogs (both Labradors), our longing and love for Pochi, we channeled in them. Of course, the yard is quieter than ever for we lost the baritone in the barking trio!
Pochi is the one on the left, Bimbo is the black lab and Fedra is the yellow lab.
As I said, we miss everything about him; his barks, his banging on the door, the wagging of his tail, the way he lies down to get his belly rubbed, and his pure display of love. What we miss most is how accurate his barks are, with a clear distinction between people and other dogs/ animals. He never misses when someone enters and he never barks when there is nothing to bark at! Fedra is in the backyard leaving Bimbo the sole watch dog in the front yard; he is very playful and sometimes a little lazy to bark. Pochi is the most serious one only displaying playfulness when dad is around and although he is neutered, he is the most aggressive one! He has also the most number of tricks. Fedra is playful too but knows when to take matters seriously, just like me that's why she is my dog. They're are all very intelligent, affectionate and loving.
Do you know Cooking with Dog? It is a Japanese food channel that I follow. Recently I also learnt that Francis, the show's cute poodle host was gone too. It made me sadder too because I followed their channel over the years and I feel that I lost another dog who gives me joy.
I'm sorry if the first few paragraphs are about our dog. I just want to feel a little lighter because we miss him and I know we have some dog lovers here too. During my university days, when I was kneading my dough for my first loaf of bread, he was in the kitchen witnessing my first venture into baking. Until my graduation, it was him who greets me in the kitchen when I proceed to knead some dough before going to school. I'm just glad that I have a few pictures and videos of him as a remembrance, that's more than enough.
He really loves getting up on windows to get a good vantage point for manning the yard.
Back to the calzones (I'm actually hesistating to call these "Calzones" because they look far from the real thing); it is the same dough as my yard sourdough, my best and favorite bread. AP flour autolysed in the fridge for 20 hours, the combined with a 12 hour old levain fed with bread flour and salt, gently mixed until incorporated, allowed to rest for an hour then given 3 stretch and folds one hour a part with a total bulk ferment at room temperature of 4 hours. It was then divided into 6 pieces, shaped into rounds and allowed to rest in the fridge for 12 hours.
I meant these calzones more as an hors d'oeuvre (I still don't know how to pronounce this despite studying some French! :P) than a main dish so they are smaller and I drew the flavor combination from a classic starter, baked brie! I'm always amazed by the leaking cheese with nuts and/or fruit preserves whether it is encased in puff pastry or not.
I used this fruit preserves made by dad. I don't know its name in English but it is sweet and tangy, perfect with some cheese! This is something that you can't buy, you have to make it yourself or have someone give one they made themselves to you. I chopped them up and mixed it with the syrup. I used some sharp cheddar for the cheese component because I really love how the salty, sweet and tangy play together but you could certainly use other cheeses like an Edam, a brie, cream cheese, a goat or even a blue!.
I pat the dough flat using just my hands, the dough was very extensible. On half of it, I spread a teaspoon of the preserves and one slice of cheese. I only use a little amount of cheese because the cheddar I used was particularly salty. I got overly excited about this folding and crimping thing of the calzones that I forgot to take a picture of the assembly before folding the calzones.
Then they went straight to the clay pot without any proofing at all; same set-up baked on a banana leaf over heated pebbles in a clay pot over a wood fire. Again I didn't take any pictures because I was attending to some errands at the time. They were baked on a open fire for 5 minutes then flipped and baked for another 5 minutes; 10 minutes total baking time.
The charm of these calzones is all about their rustic look. I didn't go for a darker bake, just a few browned and charred spots is fine. I could fry this but the taste of the dough, the preserves and the cheese will shine more if there is no oil masking them. Here are some close-ups:
The crust is crispy on the outside and a little chewy on the inside with a sweet wheaty flavor and a slight tang. The cheese is nicely melted and just the right amount for the saltiness to complement the sweetness and tang of the fruit preserves. The dough and the fillings complement each other well. A very nice way to start a meal.
I was really overwhelmed by the response to this humble little challenge of mine. It is one of the rare times where I feel valued by other people. I could cry again while typing or saying this but you don't know how much it means to me! A big, warm, and sincere THANK YOU to all of those who participated in the no oven bread bake challenge!
MARAMING SALAMAT SA INYONG LAHAT!!! Napasaya ninyo talaga ako!!!
Happy No Oven baking!
- PalwithnoovenP's Blog
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As to the pronunciation of hors d'œuvre, let's see if I can help you out: or duh vruh with the stress on the or. Now the r is rolled in your throat, not in your mouth. It is quite a guttural sound.
I understand your feelings towards your pet. Over the last 36 years, we have had many cats, dogs, and other pets and it is heartbreaking when one passes away. You will find that over time, the hurt softens and that their memory warms your heart.
And back to your calzones, great job! I still am amazed at how creative you are without an oven. I will take you up on your challenge when the weather warms up. At -34C with the windchill, I minimize the time spent outdoors. ;-)
Thanks for clearing the pronunciation. I guess I'm just confused how English speakers pronounce it as OrDerv with an English "R". It's a great help because I found out I was pronouncing it right with that tricky French "R" I was following the pronunciation rules.
It's not as sad anymore and we're getting used to it.
That's very kind of you Madame Danielle. Anytime will be good for you to try it. Hope the weather chez vous will be warmer and better. Keep safe!
Nematambudziko. I'm so sorry about Pochi, I understand how you feel. I remember when my dog died, that was more than 10 years ago but its still makes me a bit sad to think about it. He had been my pet since he was a tiny little puppy.
You're so creative with your baking, its so inspiring :)
I'm sure they tasted absolutely delicious.
Thanks for giving us this challenge, it was a lot of fun.
Happy baking.
We feel better now but the more I talk about it, the more I am able to let go of the sad feelings and hold on to good memories.
I always appreciate your kind words. Happy baking!
I am so sorry about Pochi, Losing a dog is always hard, very hard. I've lost 3 as an adult and it always stays with you, though it hurts less.
Your calzones look just wonderful.
The no-oven challenge was really eye-opening and very challenging. Getting out of my comfort zone is always important, even when you are old, as I am.
You have a beautiful and loving spirit, Pal. I hope you keep it always and let it shine, shine shine.
hugs from
I appreciate your words of comfort and appreciation.
with Pochi from memory and help you recover from your loss. The calzones, which are Italian by the way, look delicious with the cheese and preserve filling. A perfect fit for the no oven bake .....which is right up your alley!
Well done and happy baking Job!
I always look forward to your comments. :) When we talk about him or watch his videos and look at his pictures, they are more than enough to fill the void he left and baking is a great therapy too to be happy and remember him because he also gets some of anything I bake and most of the time he likes it always asking for more.
These are really delicious and dainty I must say, very different from the large meat and cheese filled calzones we make at the hotel large enough to feed 10-12 people.
Happy baking!
I can tell through your writing how much you loved your Pochi and must miss him. As you know through my posts I have 2 dogs and 5 cats who mean the world to me and my wife so I know what you are going through. I'm sure your other 2 furries are saddened as well. I know if something happened to one of my dogs the other would be devastated.
Your calzones look magnificent and must taste as good as they look! Well done as always.
I hope I get to bake outside tomorrow, but the weather may not cooperate so I'm not sure what will happen. It's snowing and raining right now and it's supposed to rain tomorrow. Maybe I will be able to bake on Monday if tomorrow is no good.
Bimbo who is his comrade for more than a year in manning the front yard seems sad and puzzled for the first days, he lost his bursts of youthful energy but now everyone has adjusted. May your four legged companions be with you for a long time.
Anytime is fine, maybe when the weather is better you can also do a no oven bake outside! :D
I remember how we felt when we lost our beloved Sam, a Bernese Mountain Dog about 4 years ago. He was a good age (13) but still .... I am glad you have such lovely memories of Pochi
I love your calzones, it was a great challenge and will keep encouraging us all to step outside our comfort zones and try something new. :)
Thank you so much - I think you made many people happy
He was just 6, we thought he will be much older. It's the memories that helped us a lot along with kind words of fellow dog lovers here and there.
I'm glad you like the challenge and the calzones. Happy baking!
so sorry for your loss. it is never easy to lose a love one & our fur babys are as loved as our family.
i loved the look & description of your calzones. i would like to make these both in the sweet & savory versions. would you please share your recipe?
thank you, claudia
I do not measure when I bake and I don't have an oven so I can't give exact amounts and temperatures. Sorry! :D But if I have the proper equipment, I will use about 250 g of flour and make a 65%-70% hydration dough. 15% of the total is bread flour which will be pre-fermented in the levain (built in 2 builds 12 hours each) and the rest all-purpose flour. Autolyse the flour the same time as the first build of the levain then put it in the fridge. 2 hours before the final levain reach 12 hours, take the autolyse and allow to come to room temperature. Incorporate levain and salt, rest for 1 hour then give a stretch and fold and repeat 2 more times 1 hour apart; total of 3 S&F's. Divide into 6 pieces (these are litte and starter size) and round and allow to rest in the fridge for 12 hours. The next day roll the dough thin and spread a teaspoon of any fruit preserve you like and a slice of any cheese you like. Fold and crimp and bake at 375F for 10-15 minutes.
You can really fill them with anything you like! I used some fruit preserves made by my dad and some sharp cheddar because I really like the flavor. For this kind of flavor combination I could recommend: Fig jam & Brie, blue cheese & apricot jam, and cheddar with some chunky apple filling. I hope you enjoy them.
Job, what a treat you made for your family. I really admire your patience and skill at preparation, that 'rustic' touch is genuine and priceless - and cannot be duplicated by machinery or factory made process.
I'm sorry for the loss of your dear Pochi. Our pets become family and add so much to our lives. Revisit and share your memories with him, and he will always be with you.
Thank you for presenting us with a No Oven Bread Challenge - we've learned that we are limited only by our imaginations. Happy bread making and Happy Holidays, with or without an oven!
One of my bakes that only took one day to disappear! We really like their rustic look too.
He is a real friend especially when I'm alone so seeing his pictures happy and smiling makes me smile too.
I just can't believe that many accepted the challenge and enjoyed it too and even learnt a thing or two! I'm really glad for all of us!
What a beautiful post, Pal, thanks so much for sharing with us. I know just how painful it can be to lose a pet, though putting it like that doesn't really do it justice ; it's really losing a friend, someone who's always happy to see you and who always know how to cheer you up when you're down. It was great to see pictures of him when he was at his best, that's the best way to remember him for sure.
And it looks like grief pushed you to make a pretty awesome no-challenge bake ; ces calzones-là ont l'air délicieux ! Une tuerie quoi ! I'm definitely gonna give this a go, since pretty much anything stuffed with cheese is a win for me.
And no worries about having difficulty pronouncing hors d'oeuvre : I've been living here over a year and I still don't quite have it . . . you just do the best you can and everyone appreciates it (and usually gets a good laugh). Keep with it and it will come !
It's great that I took photos of him when he was at his prime 2 years ago, he was even 22 kg in those photos, we reduced his food intake gradually because he is on the verge of becoming overweight.
Merci pour vos mots gentils. Faites-les! Vous les aimerez. Most of the time I get the pronunciation right by following rules but the fun is there are always exceptions!
So sorry to hear about Pochi. I've never had a dog but when my childhood pal Andy (a cat) died, I cried for days and was sad for a long time. The memories of him are still with me to this date. I'm sure Pochi will stay in your heart forever and you'll treasure the good times you two had shared.
Sorry I couldn't join your No Oven challenge this time, things are still a bit rough here. But can I make it up with a song instead? Not "THE" song, but another non-English song. You take care and I'll talk to you later. Happy holidays to you and your family!
Happy No Oven Baking!
It's really sad, but now his memories make us happy.
Maybe you can do something similar some other time. What's the song? Mandarin, Cantonese, French? Can't wait for it!
what language it is. If you don't get it right, then it's going to be my fault!
Thank you for your excellent description of the calzone recipe. I'm going to give it a try.
Just remember that when our furbabies passed to the other side, they go to Rainbow Bridge. They are forever young & happy.
Hi Pal,
I almost feel like I knew Pochi, reading your beautiful tribute here. I'm so sorry he's gone. I will be thinking of you this week when I'm making breads. It's lovely that he was by your side as you discovered baking.
Thank you for sharing with us.
And sorry for making you cry... I just miss our loving dog. One of his most beautiful memories is is his anticipation while I knead some dough, I just don't have any picture of that because my hands were always covered in flour and some dough bits! :P I see you're a dog lover too. Who's with you in your profile?
The dog in my picture was a friend I made in the park, in the days before I had my own dog and had to vicariously enjoy others'! About 6 months ago I adopted an adorable 2 year old staffy called Bruce. He makes me so happy! I really identified with what you wrote, because of Bruce, and that's why I cried :)
He was adopted too. Six years ago, a family friend's neighbor was going abroad to work and he can't take his dog with him there. He doesn't want to leave his dog in the hands of just anyone, so our friend knowing that we just lost our dog at that time too recommended us to his neighbor to be his dog's new family; and from then on he became our good companion.
As I have a dog I can very well understand the feeling of loosing a dog. The last dog I had died due to poor diet and therefore, since then I'm really keeping a strict check on my new dog's diet. My new dog is very choosy about food. She really loves variety in her diet. But from the last few days she is acting really weird when I offer her food. Some of my friends say that I should take her to a vet while some say I should try dog food suppliers that I can view online. But I don't think there is any need to visit a vet. I'm looking for a new recipe that would help me to feed her. This recipe looks really good. Shall try it soon.
for the last 32 years, if your dog is refusing to eat, there is something wrong. Take your dog to the vet.
That he just choosy because he had trouble eating for a day and then there's something more serious and he was gone the next day. Take your dog to the vet ASAP!