Season's Greetings -- 1

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Latest on Christmas Crispbread/Juligt Knäckebröd.

Unlike most Christmas breads, which are sweet and rich with fruit and nuts, this Swedish crispbread recalls a time when life in northern Scandinavia was hard and luxuries few and far between.

Stan Ginsberg



This looks great.  The recipe that I tested that I have since made most often is your "Rye Sourdough Crispbread ".  I add in Sunflower and pumpkin seeds.  I'll have to try this new bread as my wife has some Swedish blood in her.




Thanks Stan! I'm going to try this for Christmas and am curious about the coarse rye meal. Is this something I can just grind up dried rye berries in a grinder?

That should work. Coarse rye meal is pretty much whole berries that have been coarsely cracked and broken. I use a grain mill, but I suspect any kind of food processor/blender/grinder would work.

Happy baking!