Hello there, from Italy


Hi, i'm Richard from Italy. Im a young amateur-pastry who is new in bread-world, im more a dessert-guy.

By the way i find yeasting-sourdough world pretty affascinating and i like to discover new things in order to maintain my passion active and to growth with it. I love cooking at 360° so i try to learn as more as possible.

Sorry for my English , im a bit rusted to it, not hanging out english forums for a while.
Well im here to lear and share with you my small culinary-cultural-baggage.


Glad to have you here. 

You've come to the right place to learn about baking bread! 


A very warm welcome to the forum, Richard, from your ally to the West. Always good to hear from people from all places and walks of life. Hoping you'll share some desserts with us (I'm a sucker for Italian desserts, I think they're even better than French ones).

Hello, thank you i dont know if it's agaist the rules but you can check me up on instagram:


At the moment im strugglin with my starter since internet is full of different approach. I hate confusing information, im a scheduler and i hate going blind. :P 

What is causing difficulties with your starter? If it is growing the culture, look up "sourdough the pineapple solution". I made my starter in one try following that method. 

If it is maintaining your starter, that becomes a little more complicated because there are so many ways of doing it. My favourite way is Dabrownman's No Fuss No Muss starter. You can find it by searching The Fresh loaf. I like it because you aren't throwing away tons of flour which do many of the methods tell you to do. 

Good luck!

Hello, thank for your welcome. Well, i just read a lot of thing and having a brain-storm. Cause a lot of info are often against each-other and my lack of knowledge on this subject disable my capacity to choose whether to give my attention and whether not. Im constatly reading but is hard to define what is right and what isn't.