Geting closer to a grain mill and starting to look at grain sources. Any feedback on Palouse WA brand wheat berries? I'd probably start with hard white wheat for bread and soft white wheat for other stuff. Is there another brand of better quality for comparable price? ($2.20/lb for 15 lb on Amazon, free shipping with Prime (which I have).
Alternatively, what grain suppliers have the best prices in terms of qualty, price and shipping costs? This is all new to me, I appreciate your expertise. I enjoy TFL and am working my way through many bookmarked recipes. Thanks!
For white wheat berries the first thing I found in a search was 23.50 for a 25 lb case of organic hard white wheat here. I've not bought from them but they seem to have a nice variety at a decent price. I would suggest adding the term bulk to your search and hopefully you'll find even better options.
I like Palouse, they have a quality product and it's clean. I've also bought Great River Milling organic. Also a good product but my last 25lb bag had more chaff than previously.
If you happen to live in a state like Montana, Oregon, Idaho, Utah - you can pick up a 50 lb bag of Hard White wheat for $20-30. But where I live now, nobody sells wheat berries. I can find the Hard White Wheat online in Montana for about $20 for 50 lbs but it would cost me $50 to ship it and end up costing as much or more than buying from Amazon - Amazon's free shipping is factored into the cost of the item :)
The best solution I've come up with is to go to the local health food store (Whole Foods for example) and talk to the bulk foods buyer and they will special order for you and it comes in on their regular delivery truck so you don't have to pay for shipping.
I've not tried the Palouse but that region is known for their wheat so it ought to be good. I really like the Prairie Gold from Wheat Montana but I can't get it where I live - I always bring some back whenever I visit family in Montana though. I've had good luck with hard white wheat from Utah and from Idaho.
Melesine and AndyPanda,
Haven't talked with you before, so thank you for replying at this busy time of year! I really appreciate the advice, especially ordering in bulk from Whole Foods for free shipping! I didn't know about that, have only ordered 2 or 3 of an individual item in the past. Happy Holidays!