Hi from Sacramento



Just wanted to introduce myself and say what a great resource this site is; I've learned a lot since finding it.

My name is Paul and started baking breads last May. My go to is a pain de campagne I started with a chef and have been using a starter off of ever since. I love it and make it weekly.

Also a picture from today's bake of an Italian bread that came out yummy.

Thanks for having me!



Profile picture for user Ru007

Welcome aboard!

The crumb on your Italian loaf looks wonderful! So soft and fluffy! 

Well done :)

Thanks Ru007! The crumb was really soft and fluffy. I'd gotten that recipe from Bread Bakers Apprentice and was hoping for a bit more umph in the flavor; really just a great white bread. I liked it a lot better than my wife; she likes the sourdoughs now (I think I was just thrilled with how nice the loaves turned out).



That is a fine looking loaf! You will surely have a great time here!

I know I'll like this place; nice to share your obsessions with those who understand!

Really?? No oven??