Great pizza!!!

Profile picture for user Skibum

I am LOVING the crust I get from the 00 flour! I now bake a pizza every 3 or 4 days and am getting better at forming the crust. Still don't have the courage to try a toss, but it doesn't seem necessary. This dough had been in the fridge for 3 days before I divided it today.

I brush a first layer of EVOO onto the formed crust, followed by home made tomato gravy, reggiano parmigiana, a layer of fresh basil, sliced prosciutto, a couple of kinds of fresh mozzarella, crumbled fried pancetta and more parmesan cheese.. I baked for 5 minutes, turned, baked another 5 and finished for nearly a minute on high broil as Ken Forkish recommends.

What can I say, it is great pizza! Sometimes it is the quality of the ingredients that make the difference.

Well we have snow to ski, but at -22C today it is WAAAY too cold to go outside, never mind ski. Good days to stay in and bake yummy things.

Happy baking, Ski

Loving the results from the 00 flour. So after my local grocery store stopped stocking it, I ordered 10kg online as I now have the 00 jones. Predictably, they began stocking 00 flour again, so I have an embarrassment of riches. Now I am looking for pizza topping ideas.

Happy baking and eating! Ski

That looks delicious!!!! By the way, keep your cold weather. Don't send it this way! We are hovering around 0 C and that is just fine by me!

I really wish I could send you some of our cold weather as it was -25C this morning and 'warming up' to -16C now. The forecast is for -30C in the morning -- stupid cold! Good days for staying in and baking bread and pizza.

Happy baking! Ski

That looks really amazing. I am a luck guy to have wood fired pizza oven (DIY) in my basement. Honestly speaking your pizza looks as you would bake it in a such oven.

Well done and happy baking!


I am honoured to get such a nice compliment from a man who has his own pizza oven! You made my day man!!!

Using 00 flour for pizza crust has been an epiphany. I will also tip my hat to Ken Forkish and his pizza baking technique, finishing the pizza under the broiler. My results have been great. So much so, that haven't been to my local pizza joint, which I love for weeks.

You are indeed a lucky man to have your own pizza oven. THAT is dedication. Well great pizza, like great food can inspire a lot of dedication.

Happy baking and eating! Brian aka, Ski

Profile picture for user PalwithnoovenP

The way you make your pizzas make them so appetizing. -22C? Oh my! It's only 26C here it is already very very cold for us!

Profile picture for user Skibum

In reply to by PalwithnoovenP

I am really enjoying both making and eating the pizza. The key is to use the best quality ingredients you can find as I use very little to top a pizza and get great results with great crust which is the key.

Yes we are having what I call stupid cold. It was -25C this morning and forecast to be -30C tomorrow morning. At these temperatures it is much better to stay indoors and bake yummy things to eat. It is SO cold that when you step outside and take a breath, you can feel your nose hairs freeze. The bad news is that the cold is expected to last a week, so I will be doing a lot of baking. Perhaps time to start baking Christmas cookies. I love shortbread cookies!

Happy baking and stay warm! Brian

Profile picture for user prof_fr


It's 14 degrees here on the south coast of England! 


Would you please let us have your recipe for pizza and method/timings etc



50g liquid levain, or you could use 25g each flour and water and 1tsp instant yeast

35g durham semolina

240g 00 flour

215g H2O

7g salt

6g EVOO ( extra virgin olive oil)

Mix flours and add water and autolyze for at least 30 minutes. Add levain and mix. Add salt and EVOO to the mix and let rest 10 min. Mix and let rest 10 min. Do 4 sets of stretch and fold's with 10 min rest. I then bulk proof in the fridge for a couple of days. Divided the dough, topped and PIZZA!

Two 'secrets' -- pizza stone or 2 in the oven.  00 flour for the crust is a MUST!

Best regards and happy baking! Brian

Thank you 

I'll give it a go this weekend 

(12 degrees at 6 am! Like summer) 


My recipe is

500g 00 Italian flour

285g water (maybe more if dough is too dry) 

11g olive oil 

4g salt 

8g sugar

5g dried yeast. 


Just mix! I use a very old Kenwood mixer with a dough hook. 

I usually do it midafternoon and leave until dinner time (7 or 8). I don't fridge it,  just cover the bowl with cling film and leave it on the kitchen counter. 

Tomato mix,  chorizo and grated cheddar are the preferred toppings. 

Makes 2 pizzas

240 degrees for 11 minutes on two stones... Then check.. Extra time if necessary.  While eating the top pizza,  move the bottom one up until done


You've certainly got the hang of this pizza thing.  We are getting some cold weather ourselves but not quite to your severity, which is fine with me!  I still have to finish bringing in the backyard furniture this weekend.

One thing I do that you may want to try is to divide the dough into balls and place inside individual plastic bags with a little olive oil.  This way when you are ready to bake you just plop out the individual ball into a little bowl with flour and a way you go.  I find the olive oil in the bag makes the dough easier to work with as well.

Your pizza looks spot on just the same.

Happy Baking!


Plastic bags are a great idea. I have been using plastic containers sprayed with pam. My pizza dough contains olive oil and yes the olio makes the dough pretty easy to work.

Thanks for the compliments


A batch of your dough is made for tomorrow... 

What temperature do you set your oven with the stones in... And how long do you give them? 



I set my oven to as high as it will go - 500F and once the oven is to temp I give it 20 minutes before baking prep. I'm not sure if you are supposed to use steam, but I did for the first 5 minutes bake, removed steam, rotated pizza. Once rotated, I set the timer for 4 minutes and at that point, put the oven on full 500F broil. Once the timer sounds the pizza goes under the broiler for a minute to crisp the top. Yes I do have 2 pizza stones. One for the main baking rack and one for the broiling rack. Great luck with your pizza tomorrow. I hope you will post photos of your results.

Best regards and happy baking! Ski

Wonderful pizza tonight


I followed my usual routine... Perfect crust 


Can't seem to add photos 

If you know how,  please let me know or I could email them. 


Thank you 

I am glad you had good success. I have enjoyed the made with crust a great deal.

To post photos once logged in to the home page, there is a button above the feature photos on the right called my account. Click here and go there. Click the tab File Browser. Click Upload, upper left, then browse for the photo you want to upload and it will upload into your File Browser tab. To insert a photo into a post, click the green tree icon in the message format section. A window pops up and beside the Image URL box at top there is a box to the right of this and select the photo from your browser tab. It's really not hard.

To put a photo at the head of your post, click New Post, Blog Post. At the top you have the option to browse for an image and upload it, which is the simplest way. To keep things simple I put the photos I want to upload onto my computer desktop. I hope this helps.

Enjoy your pizza and happy baking and eating! Ski