Bakery Heat & Air

Profile picture for user kevinbrode

Hi Folks,


We are in the midst of building our small bakery, and we are at a point where we need to decide on heat & air.  Because of the unique nature of bakeries, we have not been able to locate a great deal of local "experience" to help us understand the advantages/disadvantages of certain systems.   Before my question, a few specs:

Building is 32x24.  Vaulted Ceiling.  Ovens are a 4 deck electric.  We have a large commercial exhaust fan on the back wall, up high into the gable, to remove excess heat (summer)  Walk-in cooler is outside.  Nothing real exotic...

Our builder recommends a ductless system, but we are a bit concerned about the filters and the flour "dust".  We could run a heat pump (we are in SC) with a single, large duct at the top of the building.  So...those of you with experience, or familiarity with these issues...thoughts please?  Guidance?  What to be wary about?




while there are definitely some professionals that contribute to this forum, you might get answers from people in the know at the Bread Baker's Guild of America forums.

though some knowledgeable person may still chime in.

good luck!  i hope to open a small bakery someday myself in a few years.



I would talk to a heating/air conditioning pro.  Just exhausting air without having make up air duct work you will also be exhausting your air conditioned air in the summer and heated air in the winter.  If your contractor has never worked at building a air system for restaurants, bakeries and such maybe find one that has or at least get someone to design it that has experience.
