Does anyone have a good recipe for mini breakfast brioches?

Profile picture for user Bella

I have bought some cute, mini fluted metal tins for brioche and wanted to know if any of you had a good recipe for mini breakfast brioche. I could only find recipes for big ones. My mini tins (I have 16) are 1 inch tall, 3 inches wide across the top and 1 1/2 inches across the bottom. They are not non-stick (or even stainless as I noticed spots when I left them to air dry) If you respond, can you also tell me what you would use to grease for this recipe and, I assume that I place the tins on a cookie sheet?

Thank you so much for your help,


...just make your brioches smaller to fit the pans, and use whatever remaining dough you have to make regular size brioches.  I'd grease the tins with unsalted butter, and yes, I'd put them on a baking sheet.

it's the same recipe, the form just changes. You can do almost anything with a basic brioche recipe, big pan, braid, classic small. Don't forget the dollop on top! :-)


I guess that makes sense! I'll use the big recipe, I don't know why I thought that they were supposed to be more delicate. How full should the mini cups be? 2/3?

Thanks again,


They need space to rise, so yes, make sure you don't fill them up too much. You have to form a ball with a mini ball on top. It'll sit in the bottom and then swell up past the top. There's a technique to forming the little ball on top by taking one piece if dough, forming a ball, then pinching the top part and rolling a small ball so it isn't disconnected. You can probably find a site that talks about forming small brioche if there isn't a recipe here. I haven't been around long enough to look through all the recipes.


has 3 versions..Rich Man's, Middle class and Poor Man's, all relative to flour/butter %. All recipes are for 12-16 mini or 2-4 large.  There is also a description and pics for shaping as Jane mentioned above. If you don't have BBA, perhaps you can borrrow it from your library.
Profile picture for user Bella

Ooh! That one is on the list. I bought Brother Juniper last time - attracted to the lower ticket price! Sooo many books, like a kid in a candy store. Mostly I have been using Local Breads all year but I have to branch out, try other styles. I am proud to not have purchased bread since last year! BBA will be next and my cute little forms can be filled rich, middle or poor. Thank you so much.
