Another sourdough bake

Profile picture for user ruthhiller

I decided to do another bake with a higher hydration so used 775 grams of flour with 600 grams of water so 77% hydration and really pleased with the results. It resulted in a softer lighter crumb with various sized holes. All in all a delicious tasting bread and texture. This novice baker is feeling happy!

Profile picture for user PalwithnoovenP

Open crumb and the texture looks light. Can't wait for your next post.

Your comments certainly make me feel like I'm on the right track! I'm preparing to do another bake tomorrow so I can deliver a loaf (hopefully a good one!) to our Thanksgiving dinner hostess! The above bread had a 3-hour proof on the counter. I'm planning to prepare the dough tomorrow and proof in the fridge overnight to bake on Thanksgiving morning. Does anyone have any tips for an overnight proving?


Congratulations on a lovely open crumb loaf.  Anything over ~70% can be a challenge for newer bakers, so you are definitely on the right track.
