Hi, I'm from suburban Atlanta. I love my bread machine! I often take the dough out to shape loaves or rolls. I'm not afraid of hand-kneading, but I'm hoping to learn more as I become accustomed to recipes and even adapt some of my own (very tentatively!) Bread making is a wonderful way to connect in these times of too much digital media... but I'm looking forward to using digital media to enhance bread making!
Great to have you on board. You'll love this site! Looking forward to sharing ideas and having in depth discussions about our love of bread and all baked goodies.
P.s. what does steinb in your name stand for?
place. I'm a newbie also and this site is the most informative on the web. Couple that with the veteran's whom are excellent bread bakers, non-judgmental and eager to help us beginners succeed.
Thanks for the warm welcome - well, not too warm, because that would kill the yeast, haha. Looking forward to a lot here.
And yes, I am a member of Ye Olde Steinberg Clan from many generations back. Known as Stonehills in the English-speaking world, and Steinbergs where diversity is more tolerated :)
Please to meet you.
Welcome from another member of the clan. My goodness, we do get around. I'm of the UK branch.