Pain du campagne

Profile picture for user Skibum

I read here on a post one day that a pain du campaign must be at least 10% rye flour. This is a mini boule really with just 300 grams total flour at 74% hydration, 10% each rye and whole wheat flours and strong bread flour for the rest. I used 50 g liquid levain and 7 grams salt. I shaped as a boule taking care to get a very tight skin and baked Forkish style, proofing seam side down and baking seam side up. Wonderful oven spring on this loaf. I am tempted to call it oven spring! The final loaf is about 51/2" in diameter and has bloomed to 5" in height!

I haven't cut into it yet and will update when I do.


Happy baking! Ski

That is quite impressive! Hope that your Pain de campagne taste as good as it looks. 

The spring surprised me. It is the best I have gotten for this type of loaf.  I posted a crumb photo in the original post. Happy baking! Ski


Truly Olympian oven spring, well done!  You've inspired me to give baking seam side up a go next time, thank you.

This one looks great. 

i'll have to try this recipe sometime, i love the simplicity. 

I'm sure the crumb will be wonderful :)

It has been a while since I have baked a simple, lean loaf. I would definitely bake this again!  I am not sure I will be able to replicate the oven spring of this loaf though.

Happy baking! Ski

Doesn't it just make you so happy when a loaf turns out like that? :)

I think the little hole in the bottom is a mark of a craft baker, not a flaw. Perhaps you could insert some kind of little surprise in there (a strawberry, perhaps?) before baking. :D


Yes, I was pretty happy with this bake! I have also had a throw away brick in the last week, so things even out. I don't think I could fit a strawberry in the hole. Perhaps a sliver or garlic?

Happy aking! Ski

Sprinkle a little bit of something yummy (grated cheese or something) on the counter before rounding the loaf (I have an old British baking book that calls this 'chafing', when you cup your hands around the dough and rotate it on the counter to round it; they use it to incorporate things like cheese, seeds, nuts, etc.). It will get drawn up into the little whirlpool hole in the bottom and bake right in. :)

of the ones we see here are totally inferior volcano wise at the very least.  But if it tastes good, then this wins the Volcano Award for 2016 and possibly the decade - if there is such an award.  Otherwise just put some pulle,d smoked, moose butt on it and forget all about  it....

Well done and happy baking Ski