Hi Everyone!
Long time lurker, first time poster. I live in sunny Brisbane, and do a spot of home baking. Very keen to learn more and develop my skills. Thank you to all the posters here who have put up excellent information, I've learned an awful lot here.
A few of my experiments:
Bagels from ChefSteps:
White bread, straight dough, ~75% hyrdration, overnight bulk ferment, cold proof in fridge, horrendously stuck to my tea towel, baked in camping (not enameled) cast iron dutch oven
And finally some pizza, I baked this on a pizza steel I got from a guy in Melbourne, the steel is totally awesome, recommended highly for pizza. http://www.rocbakingsteel.com.au/
They look so good I can almost taste them from halfway around the world. Good work. It's amazing what can be learned from lurking on this site. I've been here about 3 years now and found its inhabitants to be technically knowledgeable, generous and encouraging with their advice, and often "laugh out loud" funny. So welcome from the UK, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of these delicious looking downunder bakes.
If I lived nearby, I'd be knocking on your door for some tastes. Lovely!!!!!!!!!!
You pictures look abs delicious! Looking forward to more!
Its great to have you!
Your bakes all look awesome.
Try sprinkling some rice flour on your tea towel before you put the dough on. Its worked wonders for me! No more sticking dough :)
from the north of Brisbane (near Bribie Island).
This site is awsome; I learned so much.
Your bakes look awsome, too.