The slew of baguettes that I made the other day for my in-laws yielded a set of Hamelman Pain au Levain w/WW that I wasn't really thrilled with. The crumb was too tight, the baguettes seemed to lack some standard amount of girth that I expect from them and all along the pathway from mix to bake something just didn't feel right. A nice part about baking is that I get to do a do-over. These seemed more "right" to me starting at mix time and beyond.
3x350g, 1x755g, baked at 460dF. 29 minutes for baguettes and 35 minutes for the batard with 2 minutes venting.
I occasionally read where someone complains about scorched bottoms when using a baking deck. So I included a picture of the underside of this batch. If the baking deck is not right on top of the heat source and the temperature in the oven is not too high, the bottoms should generally never scorch. And as I'd mentioned in my "do and don't" list recently, I stay away from as much additional raw flour as possible, and the bottoms reveal very little of it. As with many of our bottoms, not as attractive as our other side ;-) .
Updated Sep 21.
Getting down the the final few slices of that lovely batard so I thought that I'd post these two pictures of the crumb.
To those about to dine, I salute you! (okay so this isn't exactly what the gladiator generals said)
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The subject says it all. I'll bet they tasted as good as they looked.
Yes, this batch seemed to come out okay. Do not have any complaints or reservations on this bake.
Hi, Alan!
I'll say they felt "right!" Those are probably the best-looking baguettes I've seen! I LOVE the color and the scoring is expert. I bet they taste even better than they look.
to the old "eat with the eyes before the mouth". I'm pretty pleased with how they came out. I especially like the batard. I've only recently graduated from 500g and 600g the full sized batards.
Beautiful as usual!
into Playbread as the centerfold spread :=0 . Thanks.
good job, great looking bread.
(most of the time!)
stunning :)
They look great as always.
Very nicely done.
make-up and wardrobe were able to show up for the shoot ;-) .
can be. Not so shiny this time but the crust is still pretty killer. Should be great to sop up that soba soup! Well done and happy baking Alan
Japanese soup base, some hot sauce, thin buckwheat soba and shrimp do not a tasty dinner make. Oh well, at least I have some good bread...