I stumbled upon this site while researching bakery equipment. I read a thread of someone asking for an education on the differences of a proofer/retarder -vs- cooler and there was a gentleman who's UN is pmccool, name is Paul. I'd like to find him through this forum and be able to ask him some direct questions re: a bakery concept in the Wichita, KS area. The navigation of the site is not as intuitive as I like and I'll admit a modest amount of impatience. Perhaps, in the interim, someone can direct him to me while I continue to search for ways to contact him through the site. Thanks!
Type the screen name of the person who you'd like to find in the search box. The result will find everything he/she has commented on in this site. Then while you're logged in you may click on the name to get to their own personal page where you can send a private message.
I see you haven't been set-up properly to be able to send or receive private messages. In which case you need to email Floyd at floydm@thefreshloaf.com and ask him to do so.
I'm a little familiar with forums and was wondering why I didn't see PM as an option. I'll check with Floyd. Thanks, again!
And welcome to The Fresh Loaf.
My baking experience is almost entirely as a home-based amateur. With that caveat, I'd be happy to talk to you about your bakery concept.
You can email me at pemccoolatgmaildotcom, substituting the appropriate characters, of course.
Talk to you soon, Paul. Thank you!