Hello my experienced bakers and keen amateurs,
I need some advice about which size mixer to obtain for a new venture. Unfortunately diving arms mixers are out of our price range but a good old spiral is not.
We are aiming to produce about 20-40 loafs of bread a day. The loafs will be predominately 700g.
I want a mixer than could produce up to 40 loafs in one go but can still process 10.
Sorry if this seems like a silly question! We have a lot of learning to do.
Why not go with a 20, 30, or 40 qt? There's nothing wrong with doing multiple batches. Furthermore, you can buy a 40- or 60 qt mixer and get a 20 0r 30 qt adapter on it.
I have a 22 qt and it handles about 10 kg of dough at a time.