Hello all! new to baking, please rate my first loaf


I've been browsing these forums a few months now they've really been a help.  I'm new to baking and cooking in general.  A few months ago I began making my own pizza doughs that I'm pretty happy with it so I thought it's time to try a proper loaf of bread. 

I don't have any tins, so I just made a bloomer.


I'm chuffed with it, no need to buy a bread maker.  I did it all by hand it's very satisfying. :D









I can see a few flaws.  Even though I spent ages knocking the air bubbles out, when I shaped and proofed the loaf a few bubbles did appear but it's not really noticeable.   Possibly from over rising the first time or over proofing? 




and not a single flaw.    ... no pictures either  :)  

Congratulations on making bread!  Best part is eating it!  :)

Welcome to TFL and the active pages!  

The most important thing is "How did it taste?"

Don't worry about the holes - if you keep reading here, you might come to think that the absence of holes is abhorrent! (I'm in the minimal hole camp here)

And, as important as the look is how it tastes. How was it? Bet you had great Sunday morning toast with it (if there was any left over!) this morning...


Hi the recipe I used was 


500g Strong White Bread Flour

200ml water 100ml milk, it didn't specify what milk I just used semi-skimmed which is about 1.8% fat 

1 tsp salt

1 tsp sugar

2 tbsp oil. I used olive 

500g strong white flour

2 tsp instant yeast 



Before baking brushed with water and dusted with flour


I used a tray of water at the bottom of the oven to create steam 



As  for my technique creating the bloomer I just watched a few youtube videos on how its done.  


I'm used to eating supermarket bread, and not the better stuff either. But it tasted good enough that it was nearly gone in a day and I only finished baking it at 11am.  4 people. 

Tried to link a youtube video but doesn't work. There doesn't appear to be any button to edit replies, only my original post.  

i made rolls the other day following a loaf recipe tha t I had.  But I was told I could bake these rolls in a cup cake tin and that they would rise well above the suuface of the rin.   NOT.  They flattened out on the surface.  What's wrong?

Made my 2nd loaf, came out near identical. Screen from the side to show the height.





Just a question when you do shape the dough and final proof, before putting it in the oven I usually gently puff it up a bit to get a better shape. Is this ok to do? I imagine you have to be careful not to deflate it.