Hello from WA state :)

Profile picture for user doughnaut

Long time lurker, first time account-haver/poster. The discussions on this site have educated me (and improved my resulting loaves) more than just about any other site on the internet, so, I'm glad to be here! I've been baking bread for about a year, and for the past few months I've been making sourdough boules. I've attached a pic of my most recent loaf, which is my best yet so far. Yay stretching and folding! I'd like to focus on breads made with enriched dough next, but with so many options, I'm not sure where to start. Mmm bread.

Nice to meet y'all, I look forward to getting to know you. :)


I share the same experience - I got so much knowledge on TFL, much more than on any other site.

Love the crumb of your bread - it's just like the crumb of my breads. I don't like too many big holes because my wife is then complaining when spreading butter or cream fresh and cranberry jam on top of a slice. 

Happy baking, Joze


Thanks for your kind words, y'all! Happy to be among fellow bread enthusiasts. Another batch of sourdough is in the oven now... The hardest part is waiting :P

If you want to try some straightforward first steps, it's easy to do so. For example, you can simply substitute milk for part of the water in your SD boule recipe, or add a little powdered milk, or a bit of fat such as olive oil or melted butter.