I have read several places that a serrated knife will work for slashing but it seemed like a good way to snag the dough so until recently I disregarded the advice and stuck with a sharp razor like knife. When I couldn't find my blade quickly one day I grabbed my old Tomato knife and slashed my dough more easily than ever before. It was an epiphany of sorts. We all want to create some artful design that shows our artistry and I usually hold my breath when it comes to slashing. After a few times on a variety of french, rye's, sunflower seed loaves, I am hooked. There isn't a better way to reliably slash dough. The knife I use was sold as a Tomato knife when I bought it 25 years ago. It's a 5 inch blade with a very non aggressive serration that has been worn down over the years. I found a Tomato Knife from Komachi on Amazon for $14 that looks like it would be about the same as my knife when new. Plus it comes in a case! If you haven't tried a serrated (maybe a worn out serrated) knife for slashing I urge you to try it out. I like the small size better for more gentle handling and my rounded tip makes curves a breeze. Check it out!
My Knife
Makes sense to me. I find that razor blades and knifes with sharp straight blades tend to slide along instead of cutting into the dough requiring multiple passes and more pressure to get a deep enough slash. I think the serrations create more grip on the dough and cut into it easier. Its a similar effect to cutting a loaf of bread with a serrated knife.
I seldom say things like this, but I would suggest that you not waste your money on the KA lame, especially the one with the non-replaceable blade.
It will go dull quickly and is almost impossible to sharpen (Yes, I got taken in and have bought several...). Then you have a dull blade and what can you do? Spend more money on another on.
If you like using a razor blade (and I'm not saying use it or not, but if you like to use one) you can get blade holders from TMB baking http://www.tmbbaking.com/ for a very nominal price and they will last a lifetime.
Hope this is helpful.
I initially was struggling with an X-acto blade. But I soon discovered that my el-cheapo Ikea serrated bread knife did a mighty fine job with no hassle.
I also have a Pampered Chef cheese knife that has a very fine, very sharp serration. It, too, works great for slashing dough.
I've been using a #11 scalpel blade. The angle of cut must be very shallow, otherwise the dough will bunch up under the blade. Sticky dough is the worst. Often the cut is very shallow requiring another slash.
If this works I owe you two Atta Boys and One Gold Star! And last, thank God for acts of necessity otherwise we'd still be pounding acorns...,
You know, I really just wish I was smart enough to have followed the directions of whoever it was that first suggested using a serrated blade. Everyone has trouble slashing and I was overjoyed when this worked so effortlessly.
This is the same type of knife I use for scoring made by Calphalon. Previously I used a regular bread knife, but tried the razor thing for a while (in the videos). Now I'm back to the serrated 5" knife and sticking with it. I like it because the serrations aren't too small so they don't gunk up, plus you can clean them up real quickly with a metal scraper.
This was probably my only valuable contribution, made in 2006 : 3rd post :http://www.thefreshloaf.com/node/872/perfect-slashmarks#comment-2367
What was dough weight of the two boules?
Paddy, those are beautiful loaves! I aspire to that level of slash artistry ;-)
Reassuring to know I am not the only one having these problems. I have tried the razor blade thing and the ginzu knife thing (my hubby's dowry!) and have had the most success with a blunt-end, serrated meat carving knife.
That, quick timing (right before the loaves hit the oven) and a "kick-butt" attitude ;-) I used to be so careful--timid, really. Yesterday I was so proud of myself...the best slashing so far, of a couple of loaves of Leader's Pain de Campagne. Just pretended I was a surgeon, full of confidence: zip zip zip and I was rewarded with a lot of oven spring.
So think: you can do this, people!
Is the right one to have! The serrated knife I use is a serrated meat carver also.
Thanks for the compliment.
I've never use anything but a serrated blade pretty much like the ones mentioned here. I've even used my 10" bread knife when I couldn't find my 5" slicer. I've always wondered about using a razor "like the real bakers". Don't know that I'll bother now as I've been pretty happy with my slashes lately and haven't had any snagging problems in the past. Thanks for putting this up and answering one of the "back of the mind" questions.
I ordered the Komachi tomato and bread knives on-line. Got frustrated fiddling with single edged blades, double edged blades in and out of lames, on sticks, box cutters, etc. Thanks for the information, MUCH appreciated.
Howard - St. Augustine, FL
I tried the serrated edge slashing method and ended up with the same problem as before with the dough bunching up. I went through every serrated blade in my inventory and ended up with one really lacerated messed up boule (all the edges are razor sharp).
I went to Widget Supply and ordered four 5.25 inch big ended scalpel handles and a 100 - #24 blades to go with them. I am now a very happy slasher! By the way I did learn that you have to be fast and assertive when slashing. Moistening the blade also helps.
Below is an image of the setup:
So you tried a couple serrated knives in the drawer and not happy, decided to place an order for 100 blades you haven't tried yet? I would love to see the blades you tried and the dough after "slashing". There must be something else going on here.
I only have one serrated blade, a bread knife, but it's very sharp, and I've made a total hash of things when I've tried it too!
On the other hand, razors and such haven't worked terribly well for me either; the only knife I can use consistently is an old blue steel knife with a funny curved blade of very heavy steel that makes me think it was intended as a skinning knife. If I sharpen that with a coarse stone (like what you'd use for an ax or a scythe), it makes the best slashing tool I've had. I'm thinking the coarse stone leaves a sort of super fine serration so that my clumsy hand doesn't cause the dough to bunch up, but cuts right through.
Add me to the list of serrated knife fans! I also tried the razor blades and didn't succeed. I got a cheap, serrated knife with a cutting board and it works like magic! I do usually wet the blade for each loaf, but it cuts smoothly and cleanly.
I bought a lame from SFB. The dough bunches up...was disappointed, but a thin cheapo serrated worked best! go figure. Maybe the surface tension on the dough comes into play?
Hi Eric,
Yeah, 100 sounds like a lot but I have other uses for them. They get used up fairly fast even when the individual blade edges are honed keen several times before replacement. Besides, it lends a very serious business aire to the art of loaf slashing. Too bad John Belushi never did a Samurai Bread Slasher skit in his time at SNL...,
I'll have to try the coffee stirrer and the double edged razor sometime and look around the Daiso store for a sharp, skinny, Japanese, high-carbon steel, serrated blade.
The commercial Lame's have a curved double edged blade in them. I'm wondering what the purpose of the curve is for (open the cut like a plough)?
Take a good look at the blade at the top of this thread. It's barely a serrated edge. Very low profile from years of sharpening with the stone which flattens the points. That's the key. If you use an aggressive blade with big points, it won't work well.
I've tried both razor blades and serrated knife (various) and had mixed success with both. Keeping the blade moist hasn't made it any easier for me.
I understand that the movement needs to be swift, firm and confident and preferably with the face of the blade angled (not perpendicular) to the surface - but I've not yet managed to find anything approaching the perfect cut. Should I be looking to slash more with the point than the edge? Should it be more a slicing action or a cutting action or stab-and-drag action? (yikes that sounded rather violent but I think you get the picture).
the loaf with a little flour first? Or, maybe the dough is just too wet to slash. When do we get to see a picture of a loaf before/after a slash?
I baked a ww loaf in a glass casserole the other day. I deep angled slashed with a scissors hoping for a chrysanthemum look. Everything looked great before going into the oven, then it re-sealed in the first 5 minutes and the whole thing rose like a souffle'. Guess it just didn't want to slash, too wet. I could feel the large bubbles under the surface so I knew I had to do something. Maybe I should have stabbed it from above with a knitting needle about 20 times.
I was surprised when I was folding and shaping this loaf how much flour I had to add for the dough to keep it's shape. I'm playing with whole wheat and whole spelt flours now with all the little brown gram flecks in it.
Mini O
I've had my share of slashing challenges as well..tomato knife, single edge razor, cheese knife (it was a pretty extensive Ginzu set my hubby had as his dowry!), etc.
But it isn't only the knife. I've discovered I've had the most difficulty with soft/wet or overproofed doughs...which is why someone on another thread was having problems slashing a NKB. No way you can slash that, or a ciabatta.
If I'm having trouble with a firmer dough, odds are it's overproofed. Best bet for me is to reshape and wait for another (briefer) proof, pay attention and try again. I'm still working on my angling (math is not my forte...neither geometry for slashing or algebra for calculating percentages :-(
FP, I've had the most success with a slicing action, pulling the knife towards me (handle toward me, of course) and making contact with the dough from the thickest part of the blade first...the part closest to the handle. It's a pretty fast action...I also had a lot of ripping when I tried to be too deliberate. It's a quick "zip".
Paula F
Philadelphia PA
Hey guys... I had great success using a 10 inch sushi knife. Used it out of necessity when I couldn't find my lame that dragged dough all over the place. Any long razor sharp slicer should work as well.
Just one smooth backwards stroke with the blade at an angle -- no downward pressure at all.
I used it on Janedo's Baguettes Monge with good results (shameless self-promotion):
I use my bread knife. It's about 1o years old. Works better than all the baker's slashing tools I have. Go figure!!! Maybe there is no such thing as a perfect slashing tool? Albert