I was just searching the archives to see what people might be using for their bread when giving it out as gifts to friends. Unfortunately I didn't find any new solution to my problem. The bags that I have found, for baguettes, are too long for the half loaves I bake in my home oven and look a little silly in the longer bags. What I have been using is wine bottle bags - very plain but just about the right size. I tried to buy some from a local liquor store but the clerk didn't know what to charge so he just gave me a bunch. I looked on-line for a similar bag and haven't found any quite as well sized as the ones at the liquor store. So, until I can find a better source I guess I'll continue to buy wine, and take a few extra bags to go.
I sometimes use the wine bottle bags I get in Trader Joe's. But I wonder how food-safe they are. I don't know if they are intended to be in direct contact with food.
I sell bagels at the local farmer's market and I found that a good source for plastic bags that will fit any size bread you may want can be found at uline.com.