It is about 3'x3' square and about 8" long with a sliding top. If there was some intelligent way to upload a picture from my computer I would..
I purchased it for $5 at a tag sale and have found it useful in so many ways, I would like to look up recipes written for this pan but need its name for the search.
The best use so far it to cook one portion of spaghetti and I use about 2 cups of water instead 5.and yes it comes out better this way.
O, I finally, after a few posts, heard how to upload a picture and here it is.....
Is it one of those plastic microwave pasta cookers? If it's metal, sounds like the smallest Pullman loaf pan I've ever heard of.
Oh, no, definitely not plastic or microwave. It is highly refined non-stick metal. Folded from a single piece in such a way that it doesn't need welding or rivets. Definitely leak proof because of the folds. I think it might have been named after a style of cooking bread that gets a nice even crust on all sides.
I heard tell about it on the America's Test kitchen episodes then saw it at the tag sale. It might be a bit wider/taller/longer but not by much. It is stamped/pressed PAN USA on the top and and inside bottom. I see it listed on the 'net for about $40 or so.
Cooking spaghetti was only an inventive thought but it does work great at that. (:
Is there a way to post pictures from my computer here?
As to posting pictures, it is a bit of a nightmare to post within a post but you can easily put a picture at the top of your original post. Go to edit and at the very top of the page, there is a button to choose s picture and then upload it. I hope this helps.
Thanks, it is there now...
Yes, I have seen Pullman all over the 'net but it was Pain de Mie that answered my search. Pain de Mie refers to a french sandwich bread made in these box bakers. Now that I have found that recipe, I wonder what other recipes have proven successful baked in a box.
It is made by one of the most creative bakers on the net. And he happens to hang out on this site. If you are looking for something different, this is it!
in italy we use this pan for make "pancarrè" or "pane in cassetta", you can buildke your recipe with this calculation
Anyway never heard that you can use it for cooking spaghetti :)
GF breads generally need a deeper pan with straight sides so this pan is great for that. Also good for regular sandwich loaf. It is sold Here:
Recipes here:
Also works well for a high percentage rye that benefits from a covered, long,slow bake.