Cuisinart Combo Steam and Convection Oven


I just joined this site and although I've known about it for some time, I've decided that I wanted to let everyone know about what I found.

This appears to be a super deal on a steam oven.  This is the only place I've found that sells this.  Couldn't even find it on Cuisinart's website.

Tell us what you know about it and how you came to be aware of this seemingly wonderful oven.


I haven't purchased this and I was wanting to see if anyone here has any experience using this oven.

I have found professional ovens in the $3000 range that look really cool but I can't justify the price.

I hope nobody mines my asking, but anyone know anything about this product?

La Cloche Clay Baker - Round

You can make your own cloche using a un-glazed clay flower pot with an eye hook and washer attached to the hole as a handle for less than $10.00 though you will need a baking stone for the bottom.  


it doesn't look like a real convection oven, but a fan-assisted one. It makes a big difference:

-convection ovens have a heater  behind the fan, thus the fan blows HOT air (it's the closest thing to conduction)

-fan asissted ovens have a fan that stupidly rotates mixing the air heated by the lower and upper heaters. MUCH less effective, this system also creates cold spots on the side of bread exposed to the fan (well, at least in the ones I used).

I wouldn't recommend a fan assisted oven, while convection ovens have many advantages if implemented properly, but are also very tricky to use. Browning the bottom is especially difficult.

I checked out toaster ovens a couple of summers ago to use in my garage to keep my kitchen cooler.  After lots of reading and checking out various brands at numerous stores around here I settled on an Oster.  Larger than others available and less expensive.  Better reviews too.  

It did work great but I bake daily and it just couldn't keep up with my volume so I ended up buying a Cadco commercial countertop oven and it has worked like a charm :)

Good Luck with your search.
