Hello from the Fraser Valley, Canada!


Hey, everyone! I already posted once, about a total 'oops' moment, so I'm sure you can all tell I'm going to be a good time.

I'm very inexperienced in regards to bread, although I've been cooking in general for years. After a long time of avoiding it, I decided to try and bake more, especially as my partner loves fresh breads. It's slow going as I don't normally have days off at work, but I figure belonging to a forum will give me more inspiration and accountability, as well as a community of people who have probably all had their own 'oops' moments that I can relate to. :)

It's nice to meet you all!

However, I am not on the west coast. I am smack dab in the middle of the country at the head of Lake Superior in Thunder Bay. Welcome to The Fresh Loaf. You will find amazing people here!

You don't need a day to off to bake if you teach your dough to bake itself:-)  Well...... maybe some day nanobots will do it all for us and take all the fun out of baking bread!

Happy baking 

Profile picture for user Ru007

I don't get days off from work either, so my bread baking is a weekend thing. You'll soon get into a rhythm that works for you :) 

There's loads of tips about how to fit bread baking into your schedule, best one for me is "the fridge is your friend"!

Hope to see more you bakes soon :)


That's very true! I guess one of the pros of breadmaking is that most of the steps can be delayed until convenient, haha.

Profile picture for user flux

Oddly, I've never bought anything from Anita's even though it's about a 15 minute drive away, but I think that's about to change, because all the local grocery stores have stopped selling bread flour in the 10 kg size. Just as I have started baking again ... it's bizarre.