Greeting from the Pacific Northwest

Profile picture for user Monty Burr

Hello from the Pacific Northwest

I thought that by introducing myself I could avoid the need to re-register and reset my password every time. (Advice on this?)

I’ve always been involved with fermentation. My family had a Saurkraut factory. I made homebrew in school and won a few awards with it. I bypassed winemaking for lack of patience. I’ve got a crock of cucumbers pickling in the mud room. I’ve got some paprika salami hanging in a converted dorm refrigerator that should be ready to slice in a couple of weeks. If yeast, mold and bacteria are involved, I’m interested. I’ve made quite a few yeasted breads with success given my ordinary electric oven.

I’m using the “Crust and Crumb” and “Bread Bakers Apprentice” as guides and started my first sourdough starter yesterday. I may not have the patience and attention to continuously feed and bake from a starter but time will tell.

You may now feel free to move about the cabin.


Hi Monty

Also from the Pacific 'northwest' but we don't call it that here in Canada. :) I'm on Vancouver Island.

I do a lot of fermenting of things too, and my hubby makes wine and beer (some of which goes into my bread). "Crust and Crumb" has some good breads in it; I like his Rye Sourdough.

I think you'll find that if you search this site for dabrownman's No Muss No Fuss starter (as well as other people's methods) that keeping and using a starter, once established, isn't too much trouble at all!