Emile Henry Baguette Baker/Questions



I was given the Emile Henry Baguette Baker, and I have a couple of questions: The instructions say to proof the baguettes in the baker, and place the baker in the preheated oven. Whenenver I am baking in a ducth oven or other pot, I preheat the pot and place the bread in there once it's time to bake - would this not be better for the baguettes as well?

Also, the lid has holes. Would you recommend to close these? What is the point of the holes since you want the steam to stay in the baker for the first minutes....

My first suggestion would be to read the instructions, follow any formula ideas presented, and see what happens. If you like the results then you have a success by your standards and that is great.

Personally I think the Baker is short-cutting many steps in order to provide an easy, all-in-one processor that may or may not meet the customer's personal demands. Yes, there are advantages to placing your proofed baguette on a hot stone and yes, steam will escape through the vent holes. Will these issues provide obstacles to your preferred final product? Well, only you can determine that.

I am striving to perfect a consistent process for making and baking baguettes. Right now I am running 16 - 320g by 500 mm. baguettes in a deck oven with fairly good results. My continued interest in improvement does not mean that a baguette that came from a Baguette Baker is good or bad; just that my techniques would not be supported by such a device.

Please give it a try, photograph the end product, and taste the results. Share your experience with all of us here. I'd be curious how things turn out.