Hello all bakers
I have been baking a country loaf using a 20% pre-ferment. My previous attempt was a torpedo shaped rock that was inedible. I tried again and halved the instant yeast from 4g to 2g. I also I halved the dough and shaped 2 smaller loaves. This time they were both edible ! The crust was crisp and the crumb was soft and chewy. Success ! However i still am curious about why they rose to look like a torpedo, very round. The dough was also very limp like a ciabatta, even after i folded it after the bench rest to get more surface tension. but when i got into the oven it just expanded. And another thing i noticed was that the crumb had irregular holes but mostly at the top and not the bottom. Any ideas on that one ?
Hi, Warren!
The round is what you want. It shows your shaping is spot on with the surface tension holding the dough in place. I'm jealous! My stuff usually spreads out and gets flattish.
You got rise because of the big air pockets but the inconsistent distribution throughout the mass has me thinking you proofed too long. I suspect your loose dough let all the gas float to the top and collect there.