I find that when I slash risen pan bread (in a bread tin), the bread deflates somewhat and I don't the "ear to ear" grin.
Is this common?
Is it because the bread tins are cold when they go into the oven (as opposed to putting dough directly on the hot hearth (baking stone)?
Should I slash at some point while the loaves are proving (or wait a bit a after slashing to make sure the dough is on the rise before putting it in the oven)?
I'll try the last suggestion, but do you have any thoughts/ideas?
right before I place my loaves in the preheated oven and I use a small serrated knife. Now, on my boules, I still use the knife, but I make deeper slashes and have been known to retrace my steps making deeper incisions.
I'm relatively knew to this, but I can't help but wonder if your loaves were a bit over proofed when you attempted to slash? Also, you mention a cold pan, are you placing your dough into the pan right before baking? If so, might I suggest that you proof within your baking pan?
Best of luck to you, please remember that I'm a novice and that there are a number of qualified and capable bread kings and queens amongst us.
Happy baking to you; try not to let the little things hold you back. Bread is a journey! Enjoy.
when it's slashed, that's a sure sign your bread has been over proofed.
It always tempting to see how high they can get before baking. But it results, as Larry said, in over-proofing. Not quite double in volume, then score and into the oven works best for me.
Howard - St. Augustine, FL