It’s Your Freezer. Imagine that! From a NY Times food section article in Feb, 2016 but featured today on their front webpage.
Seriously? Now, I love toast just as much or more than the next bread enthusiast, but cutting bread into slices before freezing is not exactly ground breaking information. It must have been a slow week in the newsroom.
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The secret to good toast is good bread.
high % rye breads in tins. The rest get quartered and frozen. Bread dies freeze great.
We visited a friend recently who lives alone and slices fresh bread. We tried it with a loaf of Hamelman multi-grain, and the toast results are fantastic. I don't expect the slices to be kept for months, though, since clearly they are vulnerable.
It never gets that far around here. It seems to get consumed almost as fast as I can bake it. Garlic bread crisps as the base for tapas hors_d'oeuvre takes a full 20%. Cuisinart quit manufacturing the very wide toaster that toasts handmade bread. We scoured Goodwills till we built up a reserve of three.
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