Nury's Light Rye (again)

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Nury's Light Rye from "Local Breads"

Nury's Light Rye from "Local Breads"

Nury's Light Rye2

Nury's Light Rye2

Nury's Light Rye crumb

Nury's Light Rye crumb

I know there have been several blog entries regarding Pierre Nury's "Light Rye" as described in "Local Breads" by Daniel Leader, but I felt a "reminder" of how wonderful this bread is would not be out of order. So ...

 This bread is wonderful!


Hi, Susan. Welcome to TFL! The recipe is in Daniel Leader's book, "Local Breads." The first edition of this book has several calculation errors, but it is still well worth buying. It is a good read, and the recipes and techniques are a good introduction to French, German, Italian and Czech breads. Zolablue was the first one to post a TFL blog entry on this bread, and I am perpetually grateful to her for it, since I love this easy-to-make and delicious bread. Her entry did include the recipe. Navigate to: David

David you amaze me with the baking you do. And all so perfectly.

I'm making Nury's light rye tonight. I'm glad you posted it again and maybe more bakers here will give it a try. It is, I think, the best tasting bread I make and I make it a lot. We LOVE it. It's easy, it has just the right sour tang and so delicious. I hope more folks will give it a try. Oh, by the way, as noted in my post in zola's thread I make this by hand, no mixer. I get the holes, the lift, the shiny crumb and it lasts for 3 days easy (we usually eat one loaf before then and I freeze the other). In my post I say I knead for a few minutes but I don't anymore, just do stretch and folds.


Thanks for the post. weavershouse


One more thing....what ever happened to zolablue? and browndog and TT....I miss them. 

Well, I feel "perfection" alludes me more often than not, but I appreciate the sentiment. At the moment, I feel like I am finishing a phase in my bread baking development and am struggling to move on to another level. In my mind, there is a frighteningly long list of skills and knowledge I feel I lack. But, to me, that's a good thing. It's the learning process and the as yet unmet challenges that excite me. (Not that baking a loaf that does look and taste wonderful doesn't thrill me!)  I have yet to attempt a slack dough bread using stretch and fold totally. That's on my list.   Folks come and go from TFL. I miss some of the ones who were active here and inspired and informed me when I first joined. Hopefully, they will reappear.  David