Proofing Basket Coupon

Profile picture for user ProofPerfect


Thanks to all of you who participated and received our 50% coupon (all 25 of you)! This particular promotion has ended, and no more coupons are remaining. If you missed our promotion, and would still like a discount, feel free to contact me anytime.

Thanks again and happy baking!





I have a bunch of individual coupon codes for 50% off a round proofing basket. (They are $8.49 with the coupon.)

I am providing the coupons as an introductory offer to jump-start my product line on Amazon. 

If you choose to use a coupon, please consider leaving a review after you've had a chance to try the proofing basket. It helps my small business tremendously. 

You can request a coupon here

If you have any questions, please let me know!



how do you clean the basket before first use. The oz of bread dough the basket will take.

Pic on my blog. It performed well! I like that the sides are a bit steeper than my other baskets. Thanks for the deal!

edit: now with image here