Baking time: Loaves vs. Rolls

I've been making Dan Leader's Dreikornbrot recipe for the past few weeks.  It makes two 8x4 in loaves.  I love how it comes out, but I would like to switch things out a bit and make a larger loaf (9x5) and use the rest of the dough to make rolls (perhaps 1/2 dozen?)  My plan was to use 2/3 for the loaf and the remaining 1/3 for the rolls.  My question is how do the different sizes affect baking time?  Will the rolls bake much quicker than the loaf?  I currently bake the two equal sized loaves for 40 minutes at 400F.  I would like to bake both the bigger loaf in its tin alongside the rolls on the stone.  Will I need to pull the rolls out much sooner?  or is this just a trial and error thing?
Yes, I'd suggest pulling out the rolls much sooner. Obviously it depends on the size rolls you make, but I find around 20 minutes is usually enough.

Thanks for the replies...


I finally made the Dreikornbrot divided up 2/3 (approx) for the loaf and the remaining third I divided into four rolls.  I did not have the success with it I was hoping for.  But I think it was more me failing to adapt to the recent change in temperature and humidity that caused the problems more than anything else.  Here in Atlanta it went from fairly cool (house was about 68-70F) to almost hot (upper 70s) seemingly overnight.  My dough doubled in less than 90 minutes, whereas it was taking upwards of 2 hours before.  The problem (I think) was during the proofing stage.  I ended up with flat rolls and the loaf sort of flattened out instead of getting a nice dome.   I was trying to time things just right so I could get the rolls in the oven just as the stone was fully heated (20 minutes after I put the loaf in).  I should've got the oven going earlier so I could've cut the proofing time down.  Also, the color was much lighter than previous successful bakings.  It looked like neither the rolls nor the loaf were baked long enough (even at the normal 40 minutes) to achieve that nice reddish brown color.  The taste was much more blah too.  Folds, thanks for the French rolls recipe.  I might have to try that this week since I've got my wife's parents and step-sister visiting from Germany.  Eating fresh broetchen is pretty much a daily event for them!