San Francisco sourdough

Profile picture for user Cuisine Fiend

My San Francisco style sourdough - this is definitely one of the top breads in my baking repertoire. It's incredibly tasty, even though made just with white flour, it has richer flavour than white breads usually have.

The proving/folding proces is hugely satisfying - the dough needs to be folded every hour three times, it continues to prove on a tray in between the folding sessions and every time you look it resembles a fat pillow and feels incredible: elastic and smooth, with nice surface tension.

The starter is a lot of hassle with the raisins in the mix, which then have to be drained and discarded but I think that's what makes the flavour. It's also a very resilient starter - I tend to forget about it for weeks or even a couple of months and it still springs back to life after feeding.

This is a recipe I found in one of Dan Lepard's older books and it's brilliant in terms of results, but I'm not quite sure how authentic it is. I remember seeing recipes for SF SD involving starters in the shape of small lumps of hard dough whose skin you had to break off... All quite unworkable at a glance, unlike Dan's.

It is really good dough, I've even made bread rolls out of it recently (will post pic here at some point) that I called, aptly I hope, golden gate rolls;-)

or left in for that matter - no raisins anywhere is the classic SFSD.  Is this a raisin yeast water bread?  It sure looks terrific and if it tastes as good as it looks, it has to be a total success for sure.  Well done and happy baking 

ultimate SFSD is eight up there withe he best an

Josh's Super Sour SFSD as well  even a sprouted version or even a SFSD Chacon

So is this a Raisin YW bread?  you never answered

Happy SFSD baking 

just type SFSD in the search box and sit back for a couple hundred hours of reading,

I went to the site and saw this is a yogurt bread. I get it now.

Well, that's the only difference - that the starter is made on yoghurt and raisins. As your links show SD starters can be made in any old way, apple juice, pineapple juice, old dough or sprouted grain.

Will definitely try the 24 retarded method.

Profile picture for user PalwithnoovenP

Interesting starter. It will surely bring a new taste to a classic,

Just beautiful. I'm filled with mixed feelings of the beauty -- which makes me not want to ruin the outer -- and the delicious-looking crumb and description that just asks to be eaten :)