How to pre-heat your oven...

Profile picture for user Yippee

Without your starters and a paper plate in it!!!

Downside is you lose your starter. Upside is that maybe you created a new taste treat! Or, maybe you could pulverize the remaining product and add it to the next batch of dough.

Having done things like this in the past I now hang a red dish towel on the oven door handle when I have left something inside that I do not want to destroy.

I am sure you had some of your dried starter on hand so that you can start a new mother... right? (Note to self - dry some starter so that you do not pull a "Yippee").

As Jim recounts above, having similar experience with several oven-users in the house, I too, provide a warning to others by posting a sticky-note on the door when it is occupied.

I hope you were able to recover your nice jar...


There was once an oven I could pull the knob off and stick in my pocket.  (Probably misplace the knob these days!) They don't make them like that anymore...  I tried putting a sticky note on the oven temp dial.  Had them fall off so I have a suction hook with a Stop sign.   I've gotten out of the habit of using it being the only one using the oven.  Also got into the habit of storing stuff in the oven so I tend to look in it first. 

A permanent label near the knob warning to "look in the oven first before operating" might help.   

Oh, dear, my heart aches for you.  Please get started on a new starter soon.  

I like the idea of working in some of the cooked sd flavour into the next loaf with yeast to make it rise.  If it baked solid, try chopping it up in the blender with the dough liquids.  Would like to hear back about the outcomes of new starter and bread experiments.  


Do you have their dormant clones? Or at least a preferment from them that's still not incorporated in a dough? They're in my heart because of your kind offer, they could have been with me if not for the circumstances. I'm so sad, but there's always hope and another exciting adventure. Hope you'll have a new starter and with your experiences, I'm sure you'll have one soon.

oven with the light on to help it along.  That was the only time too.  Dead levain was the outcome after my wife pre heated the oven for a cookie bake:-)  Thank goodness starters are so easy to get going - especially rye ones in the summer and who doesn't like a new baby in the family :-)

Having a dried bit of starter in the cupboard in a glass jar would make a quick twin of the old ones too!

Another adventure awaits.