mmm... multigrain sourdough & 1:2:3 sourdough

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todays bake was my favourite multigrain sourdough (3 righthand loves). Looking at my notes it must have been at least 12 months since I last made this one. I winged it a bit but really happy with the result.  crumb shot

Just recently I have made several batches of the basic 1:2:3 sourdough and have been really pleased with result.  The first one I managed to burn the bottom but the next one was fine.  Todays effort has a very small amount of wholemeal flour as I ran out of bread flour.  The back loaf (lefthand loaves) was just over 900 grams, the other 2 loaves 550 gms. 

crumb shot.  All in all a good day's baking. I AM GETTING MY MOJO BACK. :)

Your loaves look fantastic !

What grains are in your multigrain loaf? Would you mind sharing the recipe?

Happy baking.

 Grain soaker (usually overnight but this time it was just 4-5 hours)

kibbled wheat/rye 62 gm

buckwheat 62 gm

Quinoa 62 gm (rinsed and then reweighed and adjusted water in soaker)

black chia seed 17 gm

linseed 17 gm

sesame seed 11 gm

rolled oats 51 gm

salt 23 gm

hot water 281 gm.

Mix well, cover and leave.  almost all liquid will be absorbed.

Final dough

Higrade flour 669 gm

wholewheat flour 70 gm

Gluten flour 30 gm

honey 28 gm

water 378 gm.  

Mixed and autolysed 30 minutes. This was fairly dry.


levain (100% hydration) 250 gm

All of the grain soaker 586 gm if my math is correct.

I hand kneaded this and it took quite a bit because the autolysed dough was quite dry. ( I wonder if next time it would work if I added the grain mix over the dough during autolyse without mixing it in until after the autolyse time)

I then did 4 slap and folds 45 minutes apart then bulk fermented for 4 hours until it had doubled.  I divided into 3, shaped, put in bannetons and retarded overnigt in the fridge, baking in DO directly from the fridge the next morning, 15 minutes at 230°c then about 20 minutes without the lid and on convection a out 215°c. 

I just used whatever grains I had.  This is my version of Rose Levy Barenbaum's 10 grain torpedo but I use levain and her formula is yeasted. 

Happpy baking!  You have made some really nice breads too. :)

incredible crumb with all of those add ins! If i can get my hands on those grains i'll give it a go (or i might just have to improvise).

You have also made beautiful loves.

Thanks again,


Great looking loaves. I love multi-grain loaves. Always an experiment. c

I can't remember the last time we made an all white flour bread.  Lucy always gets at least 12-15% whole mixed grains in there somewhere.  The bread just tastes so much better with some rye, spelt and WW in there:-)

Well done and happy baking 

They look delicious and I love the crumb, especially on the 1:2:3 bread. Just lovely!

I have generally ignored this simple bread, but the ones I have made lately have had really nice crust and crumb and I am a bit sold on it, especially as I can just use up however much refreshed starter is around.  I will start playing with different flour mixes too now just for fun.