Too much of a good thing, Part 2

Profile picture for user alfanso

which coincides with Not Enough of a Good Thing, Part 1.

This time it was the Hamelman Pain au Levain with WW.  This is the same bread that I made a week ago but then used my own levain and added figs and pecans.  This time I built the dough heeding to the original formula, which carries less whole grain and no additions than what I made last week.

The "issue" is not with the dough, still a delight to shape and score, but with the scoring - again.  Due to the fact that the oven spring on the bread is so explosive, it once more blew right through my scoring lines as you can see.  Last time it was the Gosselin Levain Baguettes that suffered a similar fate.  I'll have to make note (and then read it!) of this "issue" for the next time.

The not enough of a good thing is the inconsistent sides of the batard oven spring.  I'd have sworn that I scored the two halves the same, but the results are in.

These kids still look and taste good, although I could have let them bake for a darker crust and finish.  I decided to fatten these up a little.  1 x 700g batard and 3 x 365g baguettes


Profile picture for user Ru007

The oven spring does look impressive!

Well, i suppose if i could pick the issues to have with my bread this would be one of them :)

They still look very good, must be tasty too.




Yes, there is nothing wrong with them - except that they wind up being overgrown like Baby Huey.  I just have to adjust the scoring lines to not be so close together as I usually do.  And as I usually get away with.

Thanks, alan

It's an interesting phenomenon. We need a great bread doctor to diagnose the cause. Will overproofing a bit help?

As long as you can eat them and they taste good, some "beauty marks" are just fine :).  Next time throw some shredded cheese on top and you won't even notice the uneven score marks!
