Sinclair's Bakery European Trip 2016

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Ive just completed 8 days in Poland and I'm headed to Moscow on my second annual European baking tour.  Here are a couple of videos I made during my time in two Polish bakeries.  Enjoy ;)


And it look like you are encountering some really cool bakers and bakeries.  The guy rolling up the massive croissant(?) had an impressive technique.  What was the filling in those?

Hopw you get back home safely.


That was a lot of fun. Thanks for posting it. Was the music of your choosing, or is that just what they listen to in a Polish Bakery? Safe and happy travels to you!

We were  in Poland in May of 1989. We loved the food and breads and people and markets. This was all before the wall came down in West Germany. We had a professor friend that invited our family of 5 to visit for 10 days. What an amazing time. I will never forget the flower stalls in Krakow and Warsaw and the bells of the churches...the food and glad you are having such an amazing time. We will be in Montana in August. Hope we will see you !  c