Hey bakers i need a baking stone for my new convection oven here are theinternal Oven: 415(H)x 580(W)x 430(D)mm.mesaments I live in uk do amazon UK ideally pleaser let me.know know a stone that size or just less
Locate a kiln supplier in your region. The shelves of kilns make great baking stones. Buy a shelf that leaves at least 25-30 mm clearance around the edges for circulation. Buy the thickest one you can afford (can lift also).
I tried unglazed quarry tiles but they cracked and broke very quickly. I then went to a guy who sold off-cuts (i.e. leftover bits) of granite counter top. He cut me two pieces to fit my oven. They're 1.25 inches thick and work a treat. They hold the heat forever. Heavy, though. And I use them rough side up, rather than the polished side, which dough might stick to.
I don't use a single stone. I use 6" x 6" unglazed quarry tiles. They're cheap. Buy as many as you decided fit onto your baking surface.
cheers rickkaimd can you be more specific please tiles what you mean what you put in your bathroom for the walls??
called "unglazed quarry tiles". Those I've purchased are 6" X 6" and are brick red in color. I've used mine for many years. They were dirt cheap.
I purchased a version of this 12 years ago and it has worked for me.
I use a 12 inch square unglazed quarry tile. You can buy them at most independent tile suppliers or flooring specialists.
I searched on the 'net and found a few companies that will send you a single tile sample for a couple of pounds or so :)
It works just fine :)
Locate a kiln supplier in your region. The shelves of kilns make great baking stones. Buy a shelf that leaves at least 25-30 mm clearance around the edges for circulation. Buy the thickest one you can afford (can lift also).
great without a stone. Who said you needed one?
I tried unglazed quarry tiles but they cracked and broke very quickly. I then went to a guy who sold off-cuts (i.e. leftover bits) of granite counter top. He cut me two pieces to fit my oven. They're 1.25 inches thick and work a treat. They hold the heat forever. Heavy, though. And I use them rough side up, rather than the polished side, which dough might stick to.
I use the stone I initially bought for my bbq it works fine in the ovens.