Artisan baguettes enthusiast


After reading many times Flour, Water, Salt and Yeast, I achieved to mastering art of baguettes. I use the overnight, long proof recipe and just before bake it, I cut the loaf in three little baguettes and put them directly in the oven. So, I don't need very complex shaping. Results are pretty good and taste is wonderful.




 Sesame, poppy-seed and linseed baguettes. Wonderful with cheese...

 The first one is not burnt or overcooked : these are poppy-seeds !






 I love the combos you have. I wish I could take a bite!

Unfortunately, these little baguette does not last long. Baked this afternoon, almost ate everything this evening...

Looks good - and nice to see you're not afraid to use shaped baguette tins either. I have a set of the perforated ones - that takes 4 baguettes at a time which work well, although they're not long enough for my current desires, however for easy shaping of demi-baguettes they still work well.


The baguettes look great! 

What's your baking temp/s? and how do you deal with the moisture aspect? 

I bake them at 240°C for 40 mn. Previously, I baked them at 250°C and the crust was more tasty and dark, but too thick and hard (especially for my wife and my 2 year old boy who is a big fan of bread !). So 240°C is the best compromise. I do not uncover or open the mold during baking.