Let me introduce myself. I am Chris hailing from Arlington, TX, a suburb of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.
Growing up, money was relatively tight so my mother baked her own bread. I guess if you are used to home-baked bread it is hard to be satisfied with cheap store-bought bread.
Fast forward a few decades. About a year ago I started baking my own bread. I started with yeast dough and wheat flower, nothing to write home about. Then I "discovered" natural yeast and sourdough.The first attempt was to cook mantou (馒头, steamed buns) using regular wheat flour. This turned out out not too bad.
My latest adventure is a regular loaf of bread using my sourdough starter. Looks like that turned out all right, too.
I am glad a found the "fresh loaf" website and forum and look forward to experience where this journey will take us.
Your bread looks tasty. There is a lot of knowledge to be mined on this website. Enjoy your journey.
Isn't bread fun? :) Not to mention so much tastier than the store-bought rubbish. Enjoy all the learning available on this site!
things bread can be learned adnd shared. Your bread looks grand.
Happy SD baking