Another Brit here (in Scotland)


Hello everyone,

Just saying hello.  I have been baking bread for about 4 years and started making sourdough about 6 months ago.  Currently I am having great results with 80% wholemeal bread and am experimenting with Spelt and Rye (separately)

I am a 'man possesed!' haha


That banneton is far too clean - make more bread! :-)



(A Scot living in Devon)


Thank you, that will be the advantage of using linen cloths then ! ;-)

Hi Chox

Have you tried the Organic Scottish flour from East Lothian  It makes really nice bread 

I live in south west Scotland and bought it at a local farm shop I met the farmer there who grew and milled the wheat into the flour

Happy Baking 


Hi Chockswahey,

That looks like a very impressive loaf for 80% wholemeal flour. You must have a really nice vigorous starter and some very good gluten development going on. Please show us a crumb shot of this great looking bake and share the recipe.

Best wishes and happy baking,


I really don't get this fascination with high hydration loaves. It's just not British (dammit!) Sure - it's fashionable and trendy and the hipsters will pay for water + air, but it's not to everyones liking - take a high hydration and/or very open crumb structure loaf to any rural competition and you'll be disqualified on the first cut without as much as a taste - holes, glossy or not, are traditionally a sign of mis-shaping/proofing! (And the marmalade falls through the holes anyway)

Fortunately some events/competitions are starting to see the light here (as it were), but in-general the Great British public just don't get this style of loaf, having been brought up on "mothers pride" for several generations... (and 81% still buy Chorleywood bread process "bread")

Of-course I do live in ruralistan, (deepest, darkest Devon), far from the hipster & trendy crowd...

Saying that, my 100% wholemeal loaves (yeasted, overnight ferment) do come out at 80% and my half & halfs are 72% but most of my daily sourdoughs are 63% (if that).

Don't let my bletheing stop you baking though :-)


Hi Gordon,

I don't know if you read all of the links but I am in complete agreement with you :)

I have tried higher levels of hydration and I find the dough difficult to handle and the bread simply loses its shape!

Also (!) yeah, too many/too big holes and the butter and jam just fall through!

I have been away for a couple of weeks and forgot to mention my last tests/adventures!

They can be see here....

The upshot is that I now always feed the starter once late evening, once early morning, once early evening then mix,ferment, shape and into the fridge overnight.  I have found that this really has the starter 'good and bubbly' and gives the bread just the 'right' amount of sourness.