Croissants with Poolish, take2


This past week, I tried txfarmer's Poolish Croissants again with great success. This time I used Kerrygold butter and all King Arthur bread flour. I had to let the dough relax a couple times to be able to roll it out, but was able to get really nicely defined layers.

Only issue was with the final rollout – I ended up cutting more smaller croissants than I wanted instead of 12 standard size. Also, I tried something new with this batch. I cut out the triangles the night before and rolled them up in the morning. Made it very easy to get them starting to proof in the morning. As far as I can tell, it didn't negatively impact any aspect of them.

I also made an enormous (3 lb) challah for fun. woo!

I've also been baking sourdough bread using different recipes with varying degrees of sourness. I really need to start keeping a bread journal if I'm going to learn from all these batches!

I'm in the middle of a batch of sourdough croissants now. Will post tomorrow when I bake them.


Makes me want to finally tackle croissants.

Profile picture for user almatec

These looks beautiful and I am very sure it tastes the same too!

I am sure it tastes the same too!

Profile picture for user Truth Serum

How long did the challah take to bake?